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Monday, July 5, 2010

A tribute to the chicken bus

From the moment we arrived in Guatemala we were confronted with the chicken bus. It looks appealing, kind of like a brightly painted old style school bus. The real experience, however, is chicken bus travel which if you visit Guatemala you have no choice but to become accustomed to. Life in the fast lane is an under statement. For us, it was back to the good old crazy days of Bolivian driving. While you might skip a few heart beats getting from A to B, or have near casualties as you fly over bumps, you'll never waste time waiting for one of these mechanical masterpieces. Wherever you may be you wont wait more than a minute or two before one magically appears around the corner or along the highway, a teenager jumping from within to fly up a ladder to the roof, your huge backpack precariously balanced on his neck and shoulders. And this is only the beginning. Spend an hour or more on board one of these things and you're bound to have some form of incident/encounter/adventure/episode...

We took a few videos while travelling to capture what it was like. While the amateur footage certainly shows how bumpy things are, it's a fairly accurate tribute to the amusing trials and tribulations of chicken bus travel. Turn up the volume!

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